Claim & Drop Dapp

Claim & Drop Dapp

Use a Claim & Drop Dapp to allow your users to claim your token without incurring gas fees.

Integrated with social login, this Dapp enables easy and quick onboarding for users new to Web3.

As of now, only ERC-1155 tokens are supported. We are working on adding support for other token standards. If you need support for a specific standard sooner, please let us know.


Dapp Information

These details will be displayed at the top of your Dapp's page, visible to your customers when they use your Dapp.

  • Name of Dapp: The name of your Dapp. Use this to inform your customers about the specific token they will receive.
  • Description of Dapp: Provide additional information useful for your customers. This will be placed below the Dapp's name. It's recommended to keep the description to one line if you choose to display it within a custom frame.

NFT Smart Contract Address

These are essential blockchain-related settings for the Dapp's functionality.

  • Smart Contract Address: The address of the ERC-1155 smart contract of your token. Supported networks include:
    • Ethereum Mainnet
    • Ethereum Goerli
    • Polygon PoS Mainnet
    • Polygon Mumbai
  • Token ID: ID of the token you wish to drop.
  • Amount: Number of tokens dropped per user claim.

Claim Settings

These control the claim behavior of the Dapp.

  • Claims Per Wallet: Maximum claims allowed per wallet. Note: This is tracked internally by the Dapp, not on-chain.
  • Success Link Text: Label for the button shown post-successful claim.
  • Success Link URL: URL the button directs to upon clicking.

Claim Management

Visible post-Dapp creation.

Enter a minimum of 3 characters in the wallet search to locate wallet addresses that claimed your token. Manage claim data for each found wallet address.

Custodial Wallet Address

Visible post-Dapp creation.

This is your custodial wallet holding tokens and gas. The Dapp uses it to airdrop tokens to users.

Click "Show Private Key" to export the wallet for more control.


These settings determine which chains the Dapp will support.

  • Allowed Chains: Chains that the Dapp can connect to.
  • Default Chain: The default chain the Dapp connects to when a chain is not specified by the user.

Custom Styling

  • Show Name: You have the option not to display the Dapp's name. This is useful if you use a customized frame image with stylized wording.
  • Show Description: The same option applies as with the Dapp's name.
  • Dapp Icon: This is the icon displayed in the browser's tab.
  • Open Graph Image: This image appears where link previews are supported, including on X.
  • Open Graph URL: If specified, this URL will be used as the canonical address instead of the Dapp's direct link.
  • Page Background Color: This is the background color outside the frame image. Use a hexadecimal color value, starting with a # sign.
  • Dapp Background Color: This is the color behind the frame image. Use a hexadecimal color value, starting with a # sign.
  • Dapp Frame Image: The frame image will automatically stretch to the maximum width of the box. A minimum width of 1440px is recommended, and the image should not exceed 2400px in width.

    To display the NFT beneath the frame image, create an image file with a transparent cutout. Supported file types are PNG and GIF.

  • Dapp Frame Top Margin: This sets the space at the top of the NFT, defined as a multiple of the Dapp's frame width. A larger value adds more space, helping to position your NFT correctly beneath the transparent cutout.
  • Dapp Frame Bottom Margin: Similar to the Top Margin, this affects the position of the system message below the NFT.
  • Button Background Color: This is the color of the wallet button(s). Use a hexadecimal color value, starting with a # sign.
  • Dapp Text Color: This is the color of the text. Use a hexadecimal color value, starting with a # sign.
  • Dapp Link Color: This is the color of any link in the Dapp. Use a hexadecimal color value, starting with a # sign.

Component Positioning

Showing Both Name and Description

Component positions with name and description shown

Showing Only Name

Component positions with only name shown

Hiding Both Name and Description

Component positions with name and description hidden