Verification Dapp

Verification Dapp

Use a Verification Dapp when in-person verification of token ownership is necessary.

You might wonder, isn't viewing a person's NFT gallery on MetaMask / OpenSea sufficient? It might be, but this approach has several avenues for impersonation:

  • NFT gallery pages in crypto wallets may not always be current.
  • Someone could show you a screenshot of another person's NFT gallery page.

Asking customers to log in to an NFT marketplace to verify ownership can functionally work, but it's cumbersome for the customer and not an ideal experience.

Streamlined Verification Experience

To enhance the customer experience, we focus on simplifying and shortening the verification process as much as possible.

With Aftermint Verification Dapps, there are multiple ways to achieve this. Below, we highlight a few different types of customer experiences commonly encountered:

Customer Side Verification

This scenario is the simplest and requires minimal to no changes on the verifier's side.

  1. The verifier provides a link to their Verification Dapp, typically in the form of a QR code displayed to customers.
  2. Customers visit the Verification Dapp and connect using their social login or Web3 wallet.
  3. The Verification Dapp displays the verification result in real-time for the verifier to see.


  • ✅ Minimal disruption to the verifier's business process.
  • ✅ Familiar customer experience.


  • 💭 Not the most secure setup, as the verification result is displayed on the customer's device.

For enhanced security, verifiers can opt for SMS, E-mail, Zapier, or API integration (coming soon; contact us if you need it sooner).

Verifier Side Verification

This method offers the highest security, as the verifier doesn’t need to distribute the Dapp's link and can be certain that the verification result is from a legitimate Dapp under their control.

  1. The verifier displays a WalletConnect QR code on their device.
  2. The customer connects to the Verification Dapp using WalletConnect with their Web3 wallet.
  3. The verification result is displayed on the verifier's device.


  • ✅ Most secure setup.
  • ✅ No need to share links or QR codes.


  • 💭 Requires more effort from the verifier.
  • 💭 Customers must be familiar with Web3 wallets.
  • 💭 Social logins/embedded wallets are not supported.

While this is currently the most secure setup, it's primarily suitable for Web3 natives. We're actively working to improve this experience. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us!

Delegate Support


Dapp Information

These details will be displayed at the top of your Dapp's page, visible to your customers when they use your Dapp.

  • Name of Dapp: The name of your Dapp. Use this to inform your customers about the specific token you're verifying.
  • Description of Dapp: Provide additional information useful for your customers. This will be placed below the Dapp's name. It's recommended to keep the description to one line if you choose to display it within a custom frame.

NFT Smart Contract Address

These are essential blockchain-related settings for the Dapp's functionality.

  • Smart Contract Address: The address of the ERC-721 / ERC-1155 smart contract whose ownership you want to verify. Supported networks include:
    • Ethereum Mainnet
    • Ethereum Goerli
    • Polygon PoS Mainnet
    • Polygon Mumbai


These settings determine which chains the Dapp will support.

  • Allowed Chains: Chains that the Dapp can connect to.
  • Default Chain: The default chain the Dapp connects to when a chain is not specified by the user.

Custom Verification Messages

Customize messages for successful verification based on the number of tokens a customer holds.

If no custom rule is set, a default message is displayed.

To add a rule, click 'Add a Custom Message Rule.' A new rule section will appear.

Each rule has 3 parameters:

  • From and To: Defines the NFT ownership range for the rule's application.
  • Message: The message displayed if the rule is met.

If multiple rules apply, all relevant messages are displayed. If no rules apply, the default message is shown.


For custom verification messages, it's advisable to define a range covering your collection's total supply, to prevent the default message from showing.


Non-overlapping Ranges
  • From: 1
    To: 10
    Message: Bronze Member
  • From: 11
    To: 20
    Message: Silver Member
  • From: 21
    To: 30
    Message: Gold Member
Verification Messages
  • NFTs Owned: 1
    Verification Message: Bronze Member
  • NFTs Owned: 10
    Verification Message: Bronze Member
  • NFTs Owned: 15
    Verification Message: Silver Member
  • NFTs Owned: 29
    Verification Message: Gold Member
  • NFTs Owned: 31
    Verification Message: Congrats! 🎉 Your wallet contains at least one required token.
Overlapping Ranges
  • From: 1
    To: 100
    Message: 5% off your order for holding ABC NFT!
  • From: 3
    To: 6
    Message: Free drink for holding 3 or more ABC NFTs!
  • From: 7
    To: 100
    Message: Free side and drink for holding 7 or more ABC NFTs!
Verification Messages
  • NFTs Owned: 1
    Verification Message: 5% off your order for holding ABC NFT!
  • NFTs Owned: 3
    Verification Message: 5% off your order for holding ABC NFT! Free drink for holding 3 or more ABC NFTs!
  • NFTs Owned: 8
    Verification Message: 5% off your order for holding ABC NFT! Free side and drink for holding 7 or more ABC NFTs!
  • NFTs Owned: 100
    Verification Message: 5% off your order for holding ABC NFT! Free side and drink for holding 7 or more ABC NFTs!

Custom Styling

  • Show Name: You have the option not to display the Dapp's name. This is useful if you use a customized frame image with stylized wording.
  • Show Description: The same option applies as with the Dapp's name.
  • Dapp Icon: This is the icon displayed in the browser's tab.
  • Open Graph Image: This image appears where link previews are supported, including on X.
  • Open Graph URL: If specified, this URL will be used as the canonical address instead of the Dapp's direct link.
  • Page Background Color: This is the background color outside the frame image. Use a hexadecimal color value, starting with a # sign.
  • Dapp Background Color: This is the color behind the frame image. Use a hexadecimal color value, starting with a # sign.
  • Dapp Frame Image: The frame image will automatically stretch to the maximum width of the box. A minimum width of 1440px is recommended, and the image should not exceed 2400px in width.

    To display the NFT beneath the frame image, create an image file with a transparent cutout. Supported file types are PNG and GIF.

  • Dapp Frame Top Margin: This sets the space at the top of the NFT, defined as a multiple of the Dapp's frame width. A larger value adds more space, helping to position your NFT correctly beneath the transparent cutout.
  • Dapp Frame Bottom Margin: Similar to the Top Margin, this affects the position of the system message below the NFT.
  • Button Background Color: This is the color of the wallet button(s). Use a hexadecimal color value, starting with a # sign.
  • Dapp Text Color: This is the color of the text. Use a hexadecimal color value, starting with a # sign.
  • Dapp Link Color: This is the color of any link in the Dapp. Use a hexadecimal color value, starting with a # sign.

Component Positioning

Showing Both Name and Description

Component positions with name and description shown

Showing Only Name

Component positions with only name shown

Hiding Both Name and Description

Component positions with name and description hidden